Day 282 May 7, 2017. Kerrville to Segovia, TX. Today's map:
We will be in Texas Hill Country until we get to Eden, TX. Today started out with a bit of a down hill back into Kerrville, and gentle grades on Tex 27/39 to Ingram.

At mile 8 Tex 27 turned left, away from the Guadelupe River heading into the hills, and our climbing began.

Not everyone can make these climbs.

Miniature horses we saw along the way.

Shade and energy bar break at two hours into the ride. Notice the large tree with its massive amounts of shade.

Our climbing continued. Riding through terrain like this, I wish I had taken some classes in geology in college. Lime stone over sand stone?

If you look at the map, much of the latter part of our day was on a frontage road following I-10.

At mile 38.3, we came to our turn away from the frontage road on to Old Segovia Wulbs Road. Our first look at this road made us doubt the wisdom of this turn. Margaret got off the bike, and walked a couple hundred feet down this new road which confirmed our doubts. The road had deteriorating pavement, basically an old road returning to gravel. A unanimous decision was made to continue on the frontage road.
Effects of this decision were the following:
1) We added 163 feet of climbing, and 0.4 miles of riding.
2) We had a screaming down hill at 41.3 mph. We have never gone over 40 mph with the trailer.
3) A marvelous three mile descent reaching 39.8 mph, and the chance to pace some local deer at close to 20 mph.

What you don't see in these pics are the deer pacing us to our left, and wanting to cross the road.
We took a rest day in Segovia, did laundry and relaxed.
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