Leaving Boerne today.

Apparently there will be a quilt show in Boerne this weekend.

Nice sculpture leaving Bourne.

We have cleverly prolonged our time in the Texas Hill Country. By going from Austin south to San Antonio then north west to Eden, we have zigzagged our way through the hills. This has allowed us to wake up our climbing legs after months of flat country riding. Sure we meant to do this. Trust me.
Looking back after climbing a hill today.

Looking forward from the same point.

More hills on the way into Comfort, TX.

Crossed a nice stream, and then entered Comfort where we took an energy bar break at the Public Library.

We saw this plant again. Does anyone know what it is? At any rate, there was a hummingbird feeding off the nectar. We tried to get a photo, but the darned things are fast, and we couldn't.

More spectators.

We had a really good ride today, and finished with many miles left in our legs. But, with less than a mile left in our ride, Google Maps threw us a curve. The Google route took us up Washington St in Kerrville, promising only a 2.4% grade. Hell no.

We diverted two streets to the left, and found a real 2.4% grade.
Tomorrow we head north and west to Segovia, and our first rest day. https://ridewithgps.com/routes/20807504
Good night.
Hi John & Margaret,
The plant you questioned is an Agave in bloom.
Thanks much. The thing is impressive.
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