The day started out overcast on rural roads. Perfect! After almost dying on US-290 yesterday, I am fine with rural roads with all their ups and downs.

Looks like a ridge in the distance.

At about 14.5 miles, we turned onto Blue Bluff Road. It was newly paved until we left Travis County. Apparently Travis County did not want to be blamed for the subsequent deterioration of the road.

The road got very rough, with lots of roller coaster hills. The road was so rough, our timing chain fell off twice.

We thought we were doing well, but the vultures disagreed.

At mile 18.7 we joined the Walnut Creek Hike and Bike Trail. What a nice trail! Concrete surfaced, some grades, but nothing over 4.5%. We were sorry to have to leave the trail, and climb our way back to the real world.

Nice views while descending into town.

We eventually arrived at our motel, essentially downtown on a busy intersection.

This a mural we saw when we walked to a local pizza place for lunch. The wall is there to hold back the hill behind it.

We will spend some time exploring Austin before flying home 3/31. Tomorrow we will meet and have dinner with my cousin Gregory Arnold, whom I have not seen for over 40 years. This has been a voyage of discovery.
1 comment:
I have enjoyed immensely the opportunity to travel vicariously through the southern points, those being too damn hot for me to consider leisurely loligagging, or even humping down, or even motorbiking, through. Especially with commentarians known to us all as not-contrarians-but-inquiryians who have an inherent need-to-know why stuff is as it is. Leaves no questions lingering for me. YOU ARE THE BOMBS!!! (And so happy for you guys getting to see it all!) Austin art is IM-pressive! Weird sometime too. Very forward. JJ
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