Today's route:
Leaving Lake Charles, actually Westlake. Louisiana does do some oil.

I will miss live oak trees when we get to the dessert.

Most of our ride was on US-90. The stretch we were on was a single lane each way with no shoulder, but very little traffic. Probably low traffic because I-10 parallels it.

We saw an interesting pipe line today, interesting to me, at least. I have seen oil and natural gas pipelines, but today we saw an oxygen and nitrogen pipeline. If you zoom in on the little white signs, you can see that they are so labeled.

I am going to miss some things in Louisiana, "to go cups" in the bar being one of them. But when we pulled in to our motel, we noticed the casino next door had a drive up window for alcoholic drinks. Only in Louisiana.

There was a helpful menu.

And of course, if you are really thirsty, they will sell you drinks by the gallon.

Tomorrow we ride 17 miles north to cross the Sabine River, and enter Texas. If we could ride on I-10 we could cross it four miles from here, but Louisiana does not allow bicycles on the Interstates. Texas does allow bikes, so if we could just get to the center of the bridge before the LA highway patrol gets to us.... Nah.
Route for tomorrow:
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