Friday, September 9, 2016

Day 46-48: Sept 7-9 ride to and time in, Portland, Maine.

 The rolling foothills of the Appalachians continued to smooth out as we move closer to the coast and entered Maine. Once again, we were able to use the eastern rail trail system. It kept us off of Route One, a dangerously busy Maine highway.
Instead of following the natural contours 
of the earth, the railroad workers blasted 
through rock to level the ground.
Rail trail systems take unused railways and convert them into paths for walking, cycling...

Scarborough salt Marshes at low tide. There are almost 3000 acres of protected marshes in Maine. Many types of sea life depend on the marshes, including harbor seals. Though I searched, I could could not see a single seal. Much like the moose in New Hampshire, I'll just have to take the locals word for it.

This particular trail system has a packed sand surface. It slows us down but is away from traffic and much more pleasant.

After 50 miles, we arrived in Portland, wet but in good spirits. Nancy, our Warm Showers' host welcomed us into her home and soon we were clean and ready to see the town.

Portland has been called the San Francisco of the east coast and I can see why. Located on Casco Bay on the Atlantic Ocean, it is the largest working port in the USA. The coastline is rugged and hilly with buildings built into the earth rather than on top of it.

John and I enjoyed walking the coastline, visiting a two foot, narrow gauge railroad museum, and a Victorian mansion , and feasting on seafood and craft beer.

Tomorrow we head south.

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