Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Day 113, Nov 15.Cary, NC to Smithfield, NC

We had a lovely visit with John's sister, Alicia and brother-in-law, Gordon, but all good things must come to an end, and cold weather is upon us, so we headed out to Smithfield today. The trip was 37 miles long, in sunny 60 degree weather. It was a pleasant and nondescript day. Pleasant roads with nothing to complain about or expound upon.

Smithfield, NC is the county seat of Johnston County. There is an Outlet Mall if we wanted to get a bunch of stuff we don't need and do not have room for. Other than that, there is not much to say. Tomorrow we head to Fayetteville, NC. Ultimately, our short term goal is Charleston, SC, and then Savannah, Georgia. A total of 360 miles by Thanksgiving.

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