Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Well, we didn't get to ride Friday, sometimes life interferes with your plans. We did ride the rest of the weekend. Saturday we rode to Hopkins, then Holland, and back home, 102 miles. Sunday we rode to Lowell, then Portland, then Lake Odessa, and back home, 107 miles. Monday we rode to Lowell for brunch, then back home, 43 miles. Observations:

1) Do not trust Google maps-bicycling to avoid dirt roads. We ended up doing 5 miles of them on Saturday.

2) When riding in a driving rain, as we did for the last two hours of the ride on Sunday, we can not go faster than about 25 mph. Above that speed, my eyes get so much water in them that my contact lenses begin to float, and I can't see the road ahead.

3) Drink like crazy on a hot, humid day like Monday. Then drink even more. We both didn't drink enough during that ride. Ride was tougher than it should have been because of that.

 All in all, I think we are read for our Big Ride. Maybe we are not where we had hoped we'd be in early June, but I think we are good enough. This past weekend was a test which we ended up passing. Now Margaret wants to concentrate in interval training in hopes of increasing our speed. We'll see what we can accomplish with two weeks to go.


Jeanne Jerow said...

Well, we, Bob and Jeanne, are ready to receive your extra luggage like bounty, manna, myrh, on the 9th June, the day before we leave for Seattle. Not by bicycle. But by Buick. A round trip, somewhere around, 4,500-5,000 mile, road trip, for the primary purpose of lugging to Seattle the bulk of your lug gage - what you guys, powerhouses that you are, still need us lessers for. (Makes us feel needed.) :} And with glee we embark for thee. Still, we hope to fish in frosty falls en route. If we see any frosty falls.

Wyatt's Dog said...

Hey John,
We have MANY pairs of goggles (all those morning swims) if you need a pair for your trek! Just let us know and anti-fog speedo specs will be provided. : )

Jeanne Jerow said...

Well, we saw Sioux Falls' falls today, Sunday, and they are beautiful. We're in Custer, the middle of the Black Hills now and have decided to spend a while. Planning to fish for mountain lake trout tomorrow. And to see the Presidents. Your gear patiently waits delivery, lugubrious. You, are counting down...