As an added benefit today, we would be riding into Arizona. Arizona does not follow Daylight Saving Time which effectively puts it on the same time as California which does. It also puts it one hour earlier than New Mexico. Practical effect, we got to Douglas at 11 AM local time. Oh yes, we also got to cycle in our 22nd state.

Looking backwards into New Mexico. Notice that when they put the states together, they didn't put them together quite right, so they had to curve the road.

Here is the route: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/21511514
Kind of an up and down day. As an added feature to the map, click on the <map> box in the upper right, and choose <Esri Topo>. Gives you a look at the geography.
Our fans were out early today.

Good to be warned. Abandoned railroad grade on the right.

Just east of Apache, AZ, we passed the Geronimo Surrender Monument.

At about mile 20 we left the San Simon Valley and entered the San Bernardino Valley. This was also the top of our first climb today.


Margaret actually got a picture of a bird in flight today. Tough to do.

At mile 33 or so we turned NW to get to the west of the Parilla Mountains.

Yep, need to get around, not over, those.

We have to go around the nose of this mountain (to the right hand side).

Getting there.

The view from the other side.

The reward for all this climbing? A ten mile descent into Douglas.

Next we ride to T0mbstone, AZ and a rest day.
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