Really enjoyed our ride today. We started out going west then southwest on US 41. The wind was 10-15 mph from the NE to E; we were windstrong! Even with the necessary fits and starts of beginning a ride, we managed to average over 13.6 mph in the first hour. Route 41 had a nice shoulder for as long as we were on it, and early on, was not too busy.

Bridge over the Little Manatee River
At about 12 miles into the ride, we passed signs for the Manatee Correctional Facility. Margaret and I were both surprised. Manatee look so gentle, and non-violent, but I suppose there are be a few bad apples to spoil the barrel as it were. It must be an ugly thing when a manatee goes bad.
Martin Luther King Day is a much bigger thing in the south than it is in Michigan. You can speculate as to reasons. When we passed through Palmetto, FL today, we just missed the start of the MLK Day parade, lots of police cars, and people lining the streets. We got to the end of the parade route, stopped at a Subway for lunch (and silently remembered James Lynn, a Big Ride rider who loved Subway), and crossed the bridge into Bradenton.

Sarasota, as you may know, is the headquarters for several major league baseball spring training camps. It is/was also the winter headquarters for the Ringling Brothers, Barnum and Bailey Circus. Lots of history in this town. We passed facilities for both the Pirates and the Orioles.

Part of the Pirates' organization, I believe.
Tonight we stayed with Warm Showers hosts Jane and Dennis. What fascinating people! At different times in their lives they constructed a log cabin in New Hampshire, living in the drafty 16 by 32 cabin through NH winters, bicycled and hiked extensively, and are both published authors. I am sure that I am leaving out facts and details.
Warm Showers can be a hit or miss affair. Sometimes your hosts are fantastic, sometimes good, sometimes not so much. Our last host lived in a house with failing plumbing, overgrown yard, and casual cleanliness. The one before was very courteous and kind, but only one in the family spoke English. Rarely, and today for only the second time, you meet people that would be your best friends, if only they lived near your home. Jane and Dennis are like that. We talked until 23:30; Margaret never stays up that late.
If anyone cares, the high temperature today was 78F, with mostly sunny skies and reasonable humidity.
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