The beach is awesome.

As usual on our rest day, we did laundry. We also rode south to the very tip of New Jersey and took in the Cape May lighthouse.

Today we started by riding 5.8 miles to get on the Cape May Lewes ferry

Waiting area at the ferry terminal.

When we entered New Jersey, we were crossing the George Washington bridge. There were no welcome signs that we saw, but honestly, we were more concerned with survival than photography. We saw this sign after we boarded the ferry.

Bow of the ferry with our bike bungied to the rail.

Third deck lounge area. Would love to have a drink here. If it was later than 9:30 AM. If it was warm.

Once we arrived in Lewes, we began an epic ride. You may have heard of the ODRAM, the One Day Ride Across Michigan. That is an 152 mile ride that Margaret and I rode together in 2008. We have also talked about doing RAIN, the Ride Across INdiana, a 160 mile one day ride. There is also RAID, the Ride Across Iowa in a Day, a 300 mile ride in one day. Finally, there is the Cross Florida Ride (no acronym) of 170 miles. There may be others I don't know about.
Today we inaugurated the ODRAD, The One Day Ride Across Delaware. This is a grueling, flat, 38.5 mile ride across the state of Delaware. We also had a strong tail wind. I think we established a new record.
Today we averaged over 13 mph for the entire day's 50 mile ride. (Windstrong.) Very good for us. We are staying tonight in Dentin, MD. Tomorrow we ride to Annapolis, MD. We will be transported by truck over the US 50 bridge.
John and Margaret, Mike and I really enjoyed meeting you in Cape May! As I know we both stated a few times, we are very impressed with what and how you are doing. Safe travels and tailwinds to you! Robin and Mike Feskany.
Thanks, guys, enjoyed meeting you both. Good luck, Robin, with getting Mike on a tandem, but I think you would both like the experience.
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