Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Day One: 07/25/16 Grand Rapids to Nashville, MI

Plan: John, Jay and I would leave home between 8:30 and 9:00AM, riding our familiar route toward Ada, then veer off and head to Hastings for dinner and later the home our warm showers hosts, Bob and Bobbie. Thinking we would average 10 mph, adding a stops for food, we should be there around 3:00PM - 4:00 at the latest.

Reality: John and I actually pulled out of our driveway at 10:30 AM. There was a lot to do that last day! Well-wishers dropping by, last minute retrieving of forgotten items, and packing and repacking our trailer to fit all the “necessities” we will need.

We hadn’t factored in the heat or the weight of our panniers and trailer. The heat and extra effort needed to move the bike along meant we stopped a “bit” more than planned. Add onto that a couple of mechanical issues, and we finally arrived at the home of Bob and Bobby around 7:30 PM, sweaty and tired, but none the worse for wear.

Bob and Bobbie were wonderful hosts. We spent the evening swapping stories and slept well.

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