What can I say about Gettysburg? If you can possible come here to experience the history of the battle, you should. This was a big battle. More Americans were killed and maimed during this three day battle than in any other battle in the Americas. It proved to be the turning point of the war; never again would Lee's army attempt to invade the north.
If you are interested, go to the library and get Bruce Catton's Glory Road, and read the section on Gettysburg. Heck, go read the whole three volume series. The DVD of Tom Berenger's four hour film, "Gettysburg," is available for less than $6 on Amazon. Of course, Ken Burns' Civil War DVD series is a wonder in itself.
As to the mundane matters of existence, we once again did laundry, but this time only two jerseys and shorts each. We only have two more days to ride.
I am anxious for the ride to be over, while at the same time I want it to never end. There are 28 people with whom I have shared these last seven weeks, many of them I may never see again. There is a real feeling of loss here. What will life be without Eric passing us like we are standing still in the last few miles of each day? How will I know of Jessica's son, Joseph's, latest accomplishment? Kate B won't be looking for morning coffee; Kate M won't be looking for IPA's. Noel won't be singing. James won't be in Subway. I could go on, but you get the idea.

We have 62 miles to ride to Poolesville tomorrow and our last new state. Or, I guess we could head back the way we came. A street sign in Gettysburg, PA points the way.
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