All in all, we have had a wonderful time over the last year. In many ways the preceding twelve months seems like a surreal dream. We have seen things and experienced things that have permanently changed us. We could probably boor you at length with story after experience after picture. We won't. Despite that, I hope you will re-join us when we continue our ride, tentatively in March of 2018 or 2019.
Some pictures we haven't shared before.
The aircraft that took us to Ambergris Cay.
Margaret about to begin a dive.
Margaret and I under water.
Sting ray
Sergeant Major. These fish were all over the place, curious and fearless.
Two different sea urchins.
Margaret and her brother Jerry solving the world's problems.
Transportation in San Pedro. The eight of us rented two of these during our stay on Ambergris Cay.
Two of our number, Andy and Barb.
Scorpion found in the top floor bedroom of the house we rented on Ambergris Cay.
Our rented home on Ambergris Cay was five miles south of the main town of San Pedro. This was the road to town.
This has been a trip of a life time. My plan is that it is not the last trip.