During that first ten miles, we continued to see clean up efforts from Matthew. Since November we have seen truck after truck carrying tree branches and roots and other tree stuff. I wondered what they did with it all; now I know. They take it all out to a wide open field, and put it through a gigantic chipper.

When we got back on Route 1, it was practically deserted. Instead of turning off as planned, we decided to continue on US 1 to Titusville. Unfortunately, traffic got much heavier by the time we were approaching Titusville, so after a quick lunch at KFC, we re-activated Plan A.
You sometimes see the darnedest things on the road

Notice the flag. We had a nice tailwind for the last half of the day.

Looks like snow, but it is little white flowers.
Titusville is across the Indian River from Kennedy Space Center. It was a bit sad, on the day after John Glenn died, to be entering Space Commerce Park on Grissom Parkway. First street after we entered was John Glenn Blvd.
We are staying for a few days in our friends Jim and Nancy's home in Cocoa. They are also letting us store our bike here. We will be flying home 12/15 for Christmas and stuff. We will fly back to Florida the first week after New Year.
We have ridden our bike 83 times, for a little over 275 hours and 3,136 miles. Bike Journal says we burned 196,852 Calories doing it, but I don't feel a whole lot lighter. Our next target city is Punta Gorda, FL, where we plan to visit with friends.
Happy Holidays to all.